Wednesday 21 July 2010

Run? Hide under a flimsy table? Run.


At 6:24am I was terrified awake by an earthquake that shook our apartment building. The first indication was a wobble. The second was a significant horizontal shaking of our flat. The tremblor last a few seconds which gave all of the furniture and doors time to rattle, and me time to jump out of bed and reach the locked front door. By the time I had decided that we should make a run for it, the quake was over. The most unsettling thing was having to make a decision about what to do while the floor was shaking. Run? Hide under a flimsy table? Run. Immediately after the quake, I kept thinking aloud that an earthquake could happen at any time - and not when it is convenient for me, and perhaps, not when I was awake. It turns out that the earthquake was centred in Nara, but was felt all over the Kansai region. I just hope when the 'big one' strikes, I'm not in the shower or somewhere worse.

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