Least: By about 11:20am the daily thought that my knowledge of Japanese is appalling, pricked my conscience. I signed on to Smart FM and found that I hadn't studied in weeks. It told me to study fifty items today rather than the usual thirty. I should've learnt hiragana in February, but it's August and I still walk around like Miffy with no mouth and nothing to say.
Most: Near enough to 10:15am, I constructed some pancakes for breakfast in lieu of sugary Japanese bread. The box of Morinaga pancake mix never fails, possibly due to the cartoon instructions on the back. When the pancakes are smiling, they are ready to hit the plate. But in case you get stuck - you can watch the instructional video.
Least: I returned home at about 10:18pm with a bag of garbage incinerator fuel from Family Mart to a

Most: At about 10:05pm, I looked up and saw the the sky was incredibly clear tonight. The seemed to have a few more pixels that that factory haze normally allows. The thickish veil of smog that often invades the senses, smell a lot like burning garbage or a house that is aflame. If only the clear sky meant a cool crisp night.
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