Friday, 4 September 2009

The Man Pissing Against the Police Station


Least: By 8:40am, it was clear that I had an unfairly severe hangover from last night's bottle of Soave white wine. With the heat attacking me through the window and the mechanic across the road using a machine to undo wheelnuts, I had no choice but to ride it out awake. By the time the symptoms subsided, the morning was but a shell and just as empty. I didn't go for a walk, I didn't see anyone nor did I speak to anyone. All I could really think of was the fact that tomorrow morning, I'll have to drag myself down to Wakayama once more.

Most: At close to 11:00am, I salvaged the last part of the am period by making toast. Although this is far from interesting, it was still the most interesting event of the morning. As I spread the strange Japanese margarine and the familiar blackness of the Vegemite, I thought about how small events can take on new meaning during an empty time period. I thought about the several-dozen times that I have tried to explain the joys of vegemite on buttery toast to Japanese or American people each time to no avail. Perhaps it is interesting for some people, how I can my countrymen can stomach such a salty, foul coloured sludge. Working as teachers we are all a sideshow.


Least: Close to 3:30pm riding home from Namba, I became all too aware of the shoddy construction of my bike. The Impression was a sleek, black and smooth ride when I bought it for 10000yen in Tezukayama. The bikeshop staff were helpful have even pumped up my tires a couple of times. The problem is, that within only a few months of pedalling, the Chinese-made vehicle is coming apart at the seams. I have noticed that the Impression is an incredibly popular bike - I wonder if all those dreams end in the same way mine has?

Most: At about 12:30pm as I was riding towards Namba, I spotted a homeless guy pissing against the local police station. The Nishinari police station is a formerly gleaming white tower, amongst the run down shops and house in that area. Just metres away is a series of shanties built mostly of plywood and the ubiquitous blue tarpaulins. The lasting impression of the neighbourhood is of old men standing or lying around waiting for something or nothing to happen. Some hours later, when I rode past on my way home, several of the same men were still sitting where I had seen them last. The police tower might show a good example of spending in the wrong area - maybe a few more jobs for older men might've been money better spent. There have been  riots there where the police showed little mercy and removed or arrested many homeless people. Maybe the man pissing against the police station was making a political statement.

Food note: For lunch I ate at Kua 'Aina Sandwich Japan. I ordered the 1/2lb Bacon Burger set with a drink and fries. The burger was deliciously beefy and salty with surprisingly good bread for Japan. Highly recomended.

Post script: Terry Ito in Splatball Form (see The Problem With Terry):

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