Least: At about 7:10am I woke with a chicken organs and beer-related headache, and a sense that someone was walking on the roof of our building. The roof of this building is great, but only if I'm the person using it. The hour of the day, meant asking myself too many questions, all starting with 'why'. At about 7:12am I re-slept face-down and woke at 9:32am with the same aching head, but this time with numb mitteny hands. The yoga class on the searing roof had been going an hour. I watched a TV show about the manufacture of two types of hot-water-bottle.
Most: As I walked to the station at about 11:48am, I looked into the poodle-stylist to find him hard at work as usual. On most days at least two dogs are standing on his benches getting trimmed and styled with four or five more waiting in cages. The local dogs are hyper-pampered (above) and can be seen in bike baskets or peering though the designer bag of a Tezukayama Queen. The barber must be making a killing.
Least: By ABOUT 3:00pm, Rosie and I had been wheeling around Namba Parks for 30 minutes looking for a craft shop. The craft shop turned out to for sewing fans and phone decorators only. During our journey we passed so many shops selling useless beauty products, bland homewares, and busy clothes, that it was easy to get lost. The shop-girls looked forlorn as they hoped for customers but at least they weren't screeching for their survival like their kin in Shinsaibashi.

Most: Close to 3:30pm, Rosie and I decided to have a look in an otaku-ish shop in Namba City. It had the usual capsule machines and thousands of models, figurines and toys from every conceivable TV show or science fiction movie. Some of the figurines though, were of weirdly proportioned women in various states of undress. I'm still wondering the purpose of those models with pubic hair, or those showing women in bondage positions. There's no accounting for taste - and Japan seems to be a particularly bawdy country.