Least: Thinking it was Thursday, I was mentally preparing to take the 'bottles and cans' downstairs at about 10:25am. I was crestfallen when I discovered what I already knew - that it was still Tuesday. When each day is characterised by strict timetables, it seems very easy to forget what day or week it is.
Most: I woke this morning to my vibrating phone at 9:32am. Thankfully it was just the alarm. Even more thankfully, was that I had apparently slept through the hottest part of the day. According to the hourly weather forcast, it was to be a sweet 29C at 9am then dipping below 27C from there. There is a 100% chance of rain today.
Least: Standing for numerous minutes in a queue at the UFJ ATM at about 12:10pm today, it dawned on me that Japenese ATMs are far too useful. Often, a person will insert and withdraw numerous pieces of paper and currency, apparently to pay bills or squirrel away their 1yen coin collection. This can take many many minutes. The least interesting minutes of any day.
Most: Between about 1:20pm and 3:00pm then 10:25pm and 11:00pm, I sat and watched two swathes of quality TV. The first was the movie 'Midway'and the second was a Gundam episode. Both involved war and romance, both involved naval-esque strategy and both involved fighter pilot heroes and clumsy commanders. I began to wonder if Japanese cartoons served to relive and rewrite Japanese military history. I don't have any idea, but it's an interesting thought.
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