Sunday, 19 July 2009

Harry Potter and the Something of Fire


Least: At about 9:25am I awoke to discover that it was Sunday. Sunday is a day when none of the several types of rubbish are collected. By Sunday, we usually have three bags of rubbish lying in our kitchen.

Most: Close to 12:00pm, I was woken from my doze by the clanging and drumming of a procession passing beneath my window. Several trucks loaded with colourfully-cloth'd characters drove by at irregular intervals, probably on their way to some kind of summer festival. I managed to get a bird's-eye photo (above) through our pigeon-proof netting.


Least: Planning to see a movie in a cool cool cinema we arrived at about 1:pm to find that the most interesting selection was Harry Potter and the Something of Fire - we weren't interested.

Most: At about 1:20pm Rosie and I decided to take a turn away from the teeming arcade near Dotonbori to find a bite. We settled on a little okonomiyaki joint in an alleyway. What made it great was the character greeting us from out the front (right) and the fact that the cooks made the food for us in front of our eyes then served it on a sizzling skillet. I ordered the modernyaki with squid and pork. They listened to Rosie's request for okonomiyaki sans meat. We'll go back if we can find it again!

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