Least: This morning between 9:02am and 9:11am I stood sweating on the platform at Tezukayama station. The brief breezes of the Limited Express, the Sub-Express and the Semi-Express passing me by gave little relief.
Most: Between 10:02am and 10:31am between Hineno and Wakayama, my train hurled through greener than green rice paddies and run down onion sheds. I finally got stuck into Franz's The Corrections and decided that it's going to be a great read. Academics making fun of academics is fun.
Least: Between 4:05pm and 4:25pm I lurked outside Wakayama station handing out tissues for a leading English language school. What drained my interest in those stinking hot 20 minutes was the predictable sight of clean-cut Mormons chatting to 14-year old schoolgirls. I wonder if they told them about Joseph Smith Jr. getting messages about Zion in Missouri or the benefits of bigamy?
Most: Between about 7:20pm and 8:45pm, Rosie and I ate at one of our local yakitori restaurants. The 'chef's 10' were delicious and the sashimi as smooth as silk. Showing some crazy bravado, I pointed to something on the menu and accidentally ordered a baked potato drenched in butter. I'm still not certain as whether it was a canny victory or a powdery loss. Tonight we also discovered that whale was on the menu!
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