Least: At 9:10am, I began coughing up the first of a series of green gobs of phlem. It seems that the end of my flu includes a hacking morning cough. My chest was loosened by a bowl of boiling hot water and Vicks Vaporub but that tickle in the middle of my lungs remains. If it's still bad in a few days, I'll risk a Japanese doctor.
Most: Close to 11:50am, Rosie stacked a pile of yellow parcels onto the lounge-room table. Since beginning her Etsy site, business has been brisk with about five sales a week. Given that the word 'vintage' is now being used to double the price of otherwise cheap goods, I think Rosie could actually beging to make money if only she'd give up her socialist pricing policy. Japan's markets are awash with old clothes and trinkets but I hope sales keep up, because otherwise, our flat will be awash too.
Least: Around 5:10pm, I sat and listened to an incredibly boring monologue by an over-earnest Canadian. He lamanted that fact that people the world over don't take thier work seriously. He added that if he ever didn't put 100% into his work he would go home feeling pretty bad. I fear he has mistaken what he is doing in Japan for a real job. It is hard to imaging anyone taking English teaching in Japan seriously but incredibly, I've found one.
Most: At 6:50pm, I stepped into a room numbered nine in Umeda and sat to begin mock Airline interviews. My role was to pretend to be an Airline executive interviewing flight attendents. During my crazy Western handshakem and stern questioning about their hobbies and travels, the young women were very nervous and too conscious of posture and body language. They had all travelled abroad, mostly on homestays, and surprisingly most were also at college. After the ten interviews, I had to visit their classroom to give some feedback and make them feel great. I hope they all find jobs at ANA, and they hope that they will never have to use their English.
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