Least: From 8:00am, I probably hit the snooze button ten-ish times adding a drowsy 80 minutes to my time in the sack. Perhaps it was using the doona for the first time in months that did it, or it could be the PS3 that's lurking in the loungeroom, but it was far too hard to actually get up. As I type, I can't believe that I am once again bored by sleeping in. I think it's time to begin a new regime.
Most: By 11:00am, I found myself in amazed by the technology inside the new toy that lurks in the loungeroom. With the machine hooked up to the internet, it's useability soars and I simply found it hard to fathom the workings of online gaming. The broadband connection, means that I can nerdily fight complete strangers from all over the world. Being a novice, I seem to be shot out of the sky a lot - but it's fun. Finally the internet is getting nearly as good as promised.
Least: With the clunk of the punch-in machine at 7:10pm, I was literally shedding tears from a combination of tiredness and extreme boredom. Much of the previous two hours had been filled with light office work, however after that numbing activity dried up I was left staring at a half empty pin board. I kept reminding myself that I was being paid to do nothing, but the clunk of the clock turned each minute of the remaining two and a half hours into an eternity. I think I need a pair of glasses with eyes painted on - fast.
Most: Just after 10:45pm, I checked the weather map to find Typhoon Melor closing in on Japan. Even though it will likely miss directly hitting Osaka, it should bring massive rains and some serious wind. Our advice in training on typhoons was to 'get to work an way you can', which didn't sound promising. I'm imagining train delays at worst and an entertaining storm at best. The weather map looks awesome.
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