Friday, 23 October 2009

The Joy of Early Mail

Thursday 22nd October 2009


Least: Just after 9:00am, it became beepingly clear that the washing machine once again had to be restarted. The load of shirts and underwear had been in the wretched contraption for twenty four hours. As mentioned before, the machine has not been the same since the painters made use keep it inside for three days. I think it might have something to do with the balancing system, but checking it will require the current load of black clothes to finish washing - it could take a while.

Most: At about 10:30am, the doorbell rang. It was the mailman delivering a package from the Gold Street Boxes in Cilfton Hill. It is always exciting getting a large package, but even more so from family. The postbag contained Whittaker's Peanut Slabs, Lolly Bananas, Minties, a packet of white Tim Tams and Vegemite. Thankfully the mail also included decent toothpaste. The highlight, though was the cute card drawn by Olivia addressed to us in Japanese. The picture is now on the fridge and much of the chocolate has already been demolished. It really made our day!


Least: At 2:12pm, the heat inside the train made me audibly groan. Obviously a date on a Nankai calender has passed which tells the company to put the heaters on regardless of the weather. The heat was so stifling as to remind me of the depths of summer. Hot cans of coffee have also appeared in the vending machines. Hopefully it will be cool enough to make it worth buying one.

Most: Between exactly 8:00pm and 8:40pm I spoke to a man who worked in a hotel. His English was very good and he had a much more Western outlook than most Japanese who I've spoken to. He even though whaling was now wrong. The most interesting thing he said though, was that he had seen the movie Gallipoli. I had been telling him about ANZAC day and he knew of the story and history behind it. Rather than being an Australia-phile, I think he was simply a movie buff who liked Mel Gibson's early work. Surprising.

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